So a couple of months ago I made a post asking you about the funniest/cringiest/most noobish things that happened to you. Since then the community has changed, new members have joined, others have left, drama has happened, so I thought it would be cool to update this post and make a newer version of it ^^.
The funniest/cringiest/most noob thing you have done in simpleplanes... V. II
12.6k Flippos
7.4 years ago
rip tho he broke a rule tho@FlipposMC
Wow, I forgot about that, @QuantausAviation
Started to do a project, almost finished, game crashed. Result, long time not playing the game
Work on a plane for 4 hours and (without saving) have the game crash when I tried to upload it. iPad 2
Felt bad not sharing mine (partly because none came to my mind) but here I go:
1. Made a hyperdimensional time cube that crashed @Rcb1235 's game and destroyed his menu screen
2. I got in a fight with a turk in multiplayer, he kept making fun of me and firing missiles at me so I thought it was an amazing Idea to make a nuke as big as the server and get it over with...yep...
3. Oh, so THAT's what a permalink is...
I'm really bad at building planes
;-; yeah
Made one of the best and one of the worst Y-Wings on here.
I made a flying spatula.
@BaconAircraft well at least you saved the aircraft, I've had it where I forgot to save my build :/
spent an hour reading comment fights in simple planes
bought the game on amazon underground. and then downloaded that giant star destroyer that's like 2000 parts. yeah.
The description make me cringe so much! It was one of my old creations back then
Tried to download pc mods on android.
Made a plane so big (back when I used iOS to build) that it crashed my game and corrupted my saves when I tried to post it. It still managed to post it though XD
same here@BUZALIC
grabbed a silver user's plane, threw random stuff on it, post it, then forget credit(some of them didn't fly):P
made a jet that didn't fly, named it after a youtuber to get their attention, got told off by @SalemASaberhagen and @MrVaultech (I was a nub back then(worth it, it was showed on a video(I regret everything(50%cringe 50%nooby))))
Took the biggest engine and multiplied the power by like 1000000000000 lol. My game crashed.
repeatedly press undo, which duplicates the thing in the designer, then have a hard time trying to fix it
Oh and then I had to repeat the build from scratch and it only got like 3 upvotes
Mirror a plane, and me not knowing that scaled part duplicated, the plane was 60 pieces then I kept mirroring and it went to 439 pieces, I spent an hour removing the duped pieces