So I want to build an airborne early warning and control plane and I have been wondering if the cockpit(I guess?)'s acquisition range can be increased.
Right now, i think it is 9-10 miles.
Maybe jump it up to 20 miles.
Airborne early warning and control aircraft
15.1k Ichko
7.2 years ago
Hi, you should install your cockpit on a piston, that allows you to move your cockpit kms away from your plane, creating a pseudo aews.
Note that prevent breaking must be true, mass must be 0, collision must be disabled and you shouldn’t do any manoeuver nor rotate the rotators when your cockpit is away to avoid glitches.
@ColonelStriker 👍
I asked the same question before and I don't think it's possible.
I learned more science from what you said@ChiChiWerx than in class
@ColonelStriker that 5 - 15 secs is a guesstimate and “target lock” is jargon. The time it takes for a radar to acquire and determine azimuth and distance really has to do with sweep time, or how long it takes the radar antenna (old style parabolic/directional antennas) to complete a rotation and “paint” the target twice. The speed of light will add a fraction of a second, but not too much (it takes about .0014 secs for light to cover 420 miles). Newer phased array antennas are able to paint and track targets multiple times per second, thanks to the magic of computers. The faster the processor, the faster the paints and the better the tracking.
@ChiChiWerx a radar part that depending on the type, can Aquire a target lock from 5 seconds all the way to 15 seconds. And can sometimes won’t detect any air or ground target at random intervals.
The SP world is actually relatively small, so not surprising an airborne radar could cover that area. Where radar performance really counts is in antenna size and transmitter power, which translates to resolution (ability to break out multiple small targets at range).
@Alienbeef0421 yes, it is
@ChiChiWerx that's like Wright to Snowstone.
For realism sake, I would increase it to at least 100 miles. From 30,000, the horizon is 211 miles, which is the theoretical range for even a low powered radar.