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Black Friday story

15.6k Jacobdaniel  7.2 years ago

I went to Walmart for Black Friday and I was waiting in line until 6.00 no one's allowed to start shopping until 6.00 and it was 5.58 and people started grabbing boxes off the shelf and a security guard started yelling at them to put it back then everyone else started grabbing boxes off the shelves it was like a non violent version of The Hunger Games

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    21.8k F4f879

    bravo @Awsomur

    7.2 years ago
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    40.2k Awsomur

    At this point the old lady came in and disrupted the Samsung fight by throwing veggie mincers at the squabbling people. She then stood up on the heap of ruined Notes and started proclaiming that “back in her day” everyone used Nokia, and that Apple, Samsung and Android are all a bunch of pathetic Nokia-wannabes.
    Then, both Apple and Samsung users united to throw the the old lady out for saying such a thing.
    And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how Samsung, Apple and Android were untied, albeit for a brief second over a crazy old lady. @KidKromosone

    7.2 years ago
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    40.2k Awsomur

    And then all those Note 8s were broken, so the Samsung users fought over whether they should buy the cheap-but-exploding Note 7, or switch to Apple.

    7.2 years ago
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    40.2k Awsomur

    But as he was getting there, he shoved a 30-yr old man out of the way (who was trying to get to the iPhone X), and he fell onto the rack with all the Samsung Note 8s. Then all the Samsung users trampled him because they thought the “evil iOS user” was trying to sabotage the Notes. @KidKromosone

    7.2 years ago
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    40.2k Awsomur

    And the child wasn’t even trying to get to the veggie mincer, he was just trying to get to the new 9,000,000 part LEGO set, discounted for just $5,819,200.82.

    7.2 years ago
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    25.8k KidKromosone

    Ahh the pleasent seen of an old women punching a child in the jaw for a veggie-mincer she’ll never use...

    7.2 years ago
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    Good thinking @Awsomur

    7.2 years ago
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    Very funny!

    7.2 years ago
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    40.2k Awsomur

    Rule 1 of the Hunder Games:
    Avoid the cornucopia.
    Also, this is why I do all my BF shopping online.

    7.2 years ago
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    15.6k Jacobdaniel

    @koryg the Walmart I went to didn't have good stuff either

    7.2 years ago
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    752 koryg

    The electronics they were selling were not even good. I only saw TVs but those were super expensive. I wish the value video games were on sale.

    7.2 years ago
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    7.2 years ago