it's almost finished
need to refine the gun
add some lettering and a couple of usaf logos
and it should be finished
i need a user to test this plane
a user with a powerful computer
pls help
it's almost finished
need to refine the gun
add some lettering and a couple of usaf logos
and it should be finished
i need a user to test this plane
a user with a powerful computer
pls help
@weebabyseamus Doug Kinsley
That's my F-15 in the middle, is that the same f-16?
The US Air force just commented......they want their blueprints back.
No possible words to describe
@Sauce I accept your challenge sir lol.
@weebabyseamus i smell something funny..... smells like a "draw-off"
it's already OOOOOOOON there's no stepping back :P
@Sauce looks great, I hope you keep up the drawings. You made me realize I haven't drawn in some time too, everything is digital these days. Might just have to pick up a pencil and draw when I get home too. I know for sure im going to make a heavily doctored Photoshop image with the F-16 Model.
@weebabyseamus what about the last picture of this forum post??
haven't drawn in years
you made me pick up the pencil once again XD
don't be surprised if it turns out crappy :)
@Johndfg that would be great, because I found nothing.
@weebabyseamus I'll just see if my drawing has his name on it when I get home XD
@Johndfg Im going to do my best Google Fu and try to find another if I can.
@weebabyseamus that sucks... I wonder.. If you look up the artist name, maybe you could find the drawing online??
@Johndfg lol that is awesome. Good choice on the F-15! I wish I still had my drawing, but being the dumb kid that I was, I cut the f-16 out and pretended it was a toy. I could just draw another, but now Im too lazy.
XD @Sauce
@weebabyseamus hey that's awesome! This past summer I went to the AFA on a college visit and almost bought the pen drawing of the F-16, but got the f-15 instead
I can test. Got plenty of powa
You could make a canopy, otherwise, it looks weird. BTW one of the best plane ever on SP.
@Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing i wish i had a more powerful pc :D
@weebabyseamus aww
thanks again
this fighter is my favourite plane too
you might wanna test the latest version it has ejection system
and all of your suggestions
lacks a bit of details
but the performance part is finished
@Sauce I will always be a simpeplanes player first, then a developer :). Seriously tho, this makes me so happy. I remember visiting the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado springs as a young child, and my mom bought me a pen drawn picture of this jet from the gift shop. After that I fell in love with the body lines and design of this plane. Looking at this model brings back the joy i felt back then owning that little picture. So thanks for that, and keep up the good work!
It’s times like these when I wish I had the pc version...
@phanps ya that's who I got the idea from
@weebabyseamus when you upvoted this i told myself "he's gonna test the unlisted one" XD
yeah trim is on my to do list
thanks for reminding about the yaw
also the aileron trim is a really good idea
i'm working on the ejection system i'll do it as soon as i finish
there's nothing more motivating than the support of the developers
thanks for the idea and the support :)
Pls gib rig (link)
I can test if you want
@Johndfg lol Bogdan said almost the exact same.