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Throttle glitch (help)

2,187 blueshirtandjeans  7.3 years ago

I was flying a plane and I tried to use the throttle but it wouldn't work and I tried it for a while and I still can't get it to work does anyone know what's wrong

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    @AstleyIndustries thanks for the help but it's been fixed :)

    7.3 years ago
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    Restart your game
    Also check if the joystick moves - if it doesn't, rip

    7.3 years ago
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    @ChiChiWerx a (LG G3 smartphone) and it's not very good so that's probably why

    7.3 years ago
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    30.4k ChiChiWerx

    @blueshirtandjeans whoops didn’t see the blue text, sorry. I downloaded and it worked normally for me. What device are you using?

    7.3 years ago
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    @F4f879 I think it's just my phone

    7.3 years ago
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    @ChiChiWerx I know how to send hyperlinks if you can't tell in my last comment and that's the plane that I used

    7.3 years ago
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    21.8k F4f879

    Weird... Works for me @blueshirtandjeans

    7.3 years ago
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    30.4k ChiChiWerx

    @blueshirtandjeans which post is it? Can you post a link — ! [Descriptive Name] (link) — remove the spaces between the “!”, “[]” and “()”

    7.3 years ago
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    @F4f879 here

    7.3 years ago
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    21.8k F4f879

    Can u give a link to the plane? @blueshirtandjeans

    7.3 years ago
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    @ChiChiWerx it was someone else's and I already tried activating all the groups and it wasn't that either

    7.3 years ago
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    30.4k ChiChiWerx
    1. Is it your plane or did you download someone else’s creation? If it’s yours...weird. If it’s someone else’s, try activating all the activation groups, then use the throttle. Sometimes users bind the engines to the activation groups. 2. Read the descriptions for those aircraft you download...they’re useful. Mostly. 3. If neither of those two solutions work, well, you might have a glitch. Suggest you restart the program or your computer.
    7.3 years ago