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Good Bye Everybody...

101k Wallaby  7.2 years ago

So... There is that incredibly small chance that when Net Neutrality gets overturned I won't be able to use the website anymore. There is no way that anybody will pay extra for certain websites on top of their default internet bills. I did my research, and the FCC has nothing stopping them besides the american people. The worst part, nobody is listening to us (seemingly). The president and the supreme court already passed it, so the FCC will hold it's official vote today at 10:30 ET , ironically on a livestream. If net neutrality gets repealed and the effects are as bad as we know it will be, No more Planex. SimplePlanes will die, The internet will die.

Wanna hear something funny? The supreme court is calling the internet a Utility instead of a luxury (which it actually is a utility). However, the net neutrality repeal will make it a luxury to fill the big guy's pockets even more, thus allowing monopolies to take over the internet. Comcast and Time-Warner will re-try a merger, and succeed this time. RIP. Good day and good bye everyone.

If none of this happens, I will make a Christmas build. Needs Ideas that are not experimental or fighter jets.

Edit: It was repealed. Expect drastic changes in coming months.

Edit 2: Congress is prepared to sue the FCC and overturn the repeal! :D :D :D WE ARE SAVED!

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    101k Wallaby

    @SeanTurbineModifier no

    7.1 years ago
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    101k Wallaby

    @RapzPlane k thx

    7.2 years ago
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    101k Wallaby

    @RapzPlane Congress might block it tho.

    7.2 years ago
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    101k Wallaby

    @RapzPlane Just murica

    7.2 years ago
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    @ForeverPie I was only using Sprint as an example.

    7.2 years ago
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    101k Wallaby

    @BroAeronautics It is possible to do it in come regions that can only support Sprint though.

    7.2 years ago
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    6,692 corsair013

    @Dann810 lol

    7.2 years ago
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    Let me explain something:
    Even though Net Neutrality is repealed and Internet service providers (ISPs) can speed up, slow down, block, and charge extra for certain sites, it's bad business to do so. As soon as customers notice say, Sprint, slowed down Facebook and made you pay extra to speed it back up, users will drop Sprint and switch to another ISP. Even though they can legally mess with people's Internet, they won't do it for the sake of keeping their customers.

    7.2 years ago
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    @ProvingMars True.... when it was happening, that's what the classes watching the vote thought. Idk man

    7.2 years ago
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    2,178 ProvingMars

    I'm not so sure it was a bomb threat. They only moved them out into the hall. A bomb threat would have taken them out of the building.
    That has bothered me. What would clear a room, but not the building???
    I don't care if they come out saying it was a bomb threat, their actions say otherwise.

    7.2 years ago
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    O H B O Y A L A W S U I T

    7.2 years ago
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    22.9k Dann810

    @corsair013 Trump is gonna build a wall in your country too lol

    7.2 years ago
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    6,692 corsair013

    I am pretty sure I will not be affected by this, since I live in New Zealand.

    But if it means the death of the SP website or the game itself..... KILL THEM ALL.

    7.2 years ago
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    101k Wallaby

    @Iamsilverdahedgie Not for a few weeks

    7.2 years ago
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    I might have to leave

    7.2 years ago
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    101k Wallaby

    @SAC923 Ajit Pai

    Legit Pie

    One of my own... betrayed me...

    7.2 years ago
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    1,166 RedBeast23

    So, they just decided to do this? What @$$hole came up with that idea? Son of a b*es taking our rights away
    I can't believe this

    7.2 years ago
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    101k Wallaby

    @denialofservice XD

    7.2 years ago
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    55.4k Beefy

    @Rodrigo110 ohh

    7.2 years ago
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    55.4k Beefy

    @Awsomur :3

    7.2 years ago
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    @FlyingThings I'm going to England

    7.2 years ago
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    It passed after a bomb threat was made. We have our net neutrality repealed.

    7.2 years ago
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    4,079 AtomicCashew

    Net neutrality repeal just passed. Sorry bud. We’re all in this together now.

    7.2 years ago
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    40.2k Awsomur

    I'm really not educated on this matter.

    7.2 years ago
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    47.8k FlyingThings

    I guess the US will have a few million civilians that will move to another country in the next few months.

    7.2 years ago
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