Coming soon to a galaxy near you!
( is flyable without vtol or rcn)
Next steep is the cockpit controls lights and such, then i will see if anyone wants to test fly it!
If you would like to try it out let me know in the comments
Coming soon to a galaxy near you!
( is flyable without vtol or rcn)
Next steep is the cockpit controls lights and such, then i will see if anyone wants to test fly it!
If you would like to try it out let me know in the comments
I’d like to try it out!
I cannot find the edit of this that you did, my pc got reset by accident and I cannot find it :( @RodWan
Can i try
Thx. @Swinly
Well I’m glad to see your alive :)@MrTaco
You summoned me 18 days ago. Sorry for being late I’ve been busy. Actually, if you do respond to this I probably won’t get back to you for quite a while. In fact, the only reason I came here was for news of SR2. @Swinly
@dootdootbananabus Ohhhhh
@Swinly This one
@RodWan Ill give it try, I might try to make a easy to fly Trainer style of vtrol rcn craft.
@Swinly Right so then do like I did with the N1, one downward engine at c.o.g. and a gyro with max stability and 10-30deg of movement. Set to either vtol or trim on an activation group with zeroOnDeactive true. So you hit the AG group, lift off with vtol then throttle up to 150-200mph and deactivate it. Doesn't have to be complicated controls, in this scenario the vtol works basically like reeeeaaly good flaps, plus you have a gyro that can be useful at high altitude. Anyways do it how you like but I'm just saying there's more than one way to catch a fish.
@RodWan i just typically dont prefer those methods, anyone who can fly planes with hard controls like that well deserve respect for being able to fly those. I am one of those who is still learning to fly vtol rcn planes.
@Swinly, well those versions weren't properly flight balanced then, but there's nothing inherent about using vtol/rcn that imbalances the ship, it just has to be implemented as a feature rather than a band aid to make a poorly optimized flight model work. Case and point my N1 Starfighter has vtol, but you can take it or leave it, the ship flies without the vtol engines. So I get your point in comparison to the other Y wings, but my point is you shouldn't have to say "it flies without a jury rigged flight model" we, or I atleast expect that your ship flies in a standard fasion unless you've stated you needed help with flight balancing (which isn't anything to be ashamed of) or that you're doing something outside of the norm, ie mechs, gyro plane, thrust vectoring. This is where a clear controls description is critical, assuming people read it. Just my 2 cents.
@RodWan all the other version have vtol or rcn which makes them unbalanced and hard to control
Can you let me test fly it?
@Swinly "is flyable without vtol or rcn"
Not sure what you mean by this. Is having vtol undesirable? Just about all. SW ships have some kind of grave lev.
@Swinly looking good, lmk if you need help flight balancing. The ETA2 I revamped has some blue ion cannons you may want to use also ;)
@dootdootbananabus I couldn't find it on your profile, maybe you could post a link?
@Swinly I have the 600+ part lego one!
Just thought you might like it @FlyingThings
The body of a y wing is white, and hide those inlets...
@Swinly looks nice, but why did you tag me?
I can test
Should I keep this with 2 pilots or should I have the variant with the astromech?
Thanks! @Jetpackturtle