2,708 MrTaco

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joined 9.2 years ago

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This here is a team of two brothers that are willing to work together to make awesome creations.

When you see (PIE) in the the title of something that means it's my brother.

About Mr. Taco
I started with Jundaroo's Dummy Defense, then came Simple Rockets. Simple Rockets was easily my favorite game. That was back in 2013. A year later I got a message in Simple Rockets about this new game Simple Planes I knew it was going to be awesome. I got it like a month later, and joined this community a year later in January 2016.

When it was just planes I wasn't really into just planes all that much. Now when they added gizmos that's when I really had a spike of interest in they game. Ever since then I've been making thing centered around gizmos, for example my B-17 is awesome because of the rotating turrets, my claw machine of course, and last but not least my greatest creation the MTT. It actually deploys Battle droids.
And yes, I do enjoy tacos more than the average Joe.

About Piemancoolman
The reason why I started to make planes is because Mr. Taco encouraged me to. My planes might not be the best, but I hope my projects will become better as I learn.