From all of the “research” I have conducted this is all of the info:
Here is the logo:
here is the trailer
Here is earth:
Here is mars: (or apparently “smars”)
Here is an in game screenshot:
So that’s is... hopefully it will be out in May along with an accompanying SP update
Thanks for reading,
@chancey21 maybe...
We all know that, but the buttons are probably going to be similar @MAHADI
that in game screenshot is super-old... the game is gonna be totally as same as SP, full 3D...
Me no like that user interface
The third picture is outdated... it was supposed to be a 2d game but they just go full 3d.
@chancey21 nothing on what's in it though?
The devs said it would come out when SR2 comes out@RodWan
@chancey21 do you know where to find info on the next sp update?
@chancey21 I appreciate you
True but it n the trailer there are no buttons at all, they can’t have gone completely @Oski
@chancey21 compare the screenshot and the trailer...
@Awsomur perhaps, Smawsomur
That just looks like a desert of Smearth... The Martian atmosphere is not blue.
I don’t know what that is? @Awsomur
You mean Smars.
@chancey21 @RailfanEthan
I don’t even know what “smearth” is @RailfanEthan
What do you mean? @Oski
the screenshot is outdated...
@chancey21 instead of mars have it say "this could be mars or smearth, nobody is 100% sure"
Well I cannot improve this post@RailfanEthan it contains all of the info that is possible to know
@chancey21 that i do, criticism leads to improvement
But it’s all collected together. You can find a way to criticize anything @RailfanEthan
all stuff we know. and the mars picture might be of smearth...
I can’t wait for this game