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Dear Haters.

13.6k JayDay60  7.1 years ago

Hello, I'm JayDay. You've recently seen my post of the Ugandan Knuckles meme, "Do you know da wae," which if you're unfamiliar with it, stems from a game called VRChat. I recreated the meme simply because I could. You can make literally anything in Simpleplanes, and that's what I like to do. However, this freedom has thus sparked some controversy, saying that my post is of racial intent, or it's cringeworthy. 1. My post is a replica/recreation, not a hate symbol. I had nothing to do with the creation of this meme, only a replication of it. 2. You may cringe, but apparently most of you cannot read or be bothered to click "Stuff" –> "Rules" and read through them. There's literally a section of the rules that say "Be Kind." Constructive criticism is fine with me, but blatantly saying things like "there needs to be a downvote button" - @Zippy6, and "Downvotes." - @Awsomur. That's just throwing in 2 cents and not giving me any ideas on improvement, so unless you have a problem with me and do not give me any clue(s) as to resolve your issue, I would very much like to introduce you to a glorious button that has saved me from enemies, exes, bosses, really anyone, the almighty BLOCK USER button.

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    I see that you refuse to understand basic logic (which by the way partially agreed with you) and will no longer continue this pointless argument. I will leave you with some final questions: Is talking in a British accent racist? Is talking in an American accent racist? If not then why is talking in a Ugandan accent racist? @Axartar

    +1 7.1 years ago
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    20.3k Axartar

    By removing ww2 planes you are committing hate crime as well as denying ww2 these are both illegal in my country also the manufacturers of the planes built great planes which though could not compare to the spitfire were still great. Also racist accents can be offensive to some being used as rude stereotypes which can lead to imprisonment for hat crime thought that I should extrem if repeatedly done and offensively people can be jailed for this. And about the ww2 German planes just because these people built planes which were used didn’t make the planes or creators bad usually these people were forced to make planes and were forced to give it away by the controlling power.@RyneKuczy

    7.1 years ago
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    8,452 Testin123

    If people are saying that the Ugandan knuckles meme is racist, the I have lost hope in this world. It's a derpy knuckles. How does it discriminate white and black people? Jesus, what the hell has happened to this community?

    7.1 years ago
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    The act of removing German WW2 era replicas of planes is racist or the planes themselves are racist? What I meant by WW2 German planes is that a lot of them have swastikas on them and are controversial to SOME people. I personally don’t care if these planes are on the site as long as they are built for historical accuracy. However some people have made these extremely controversial planes AND are complaining about this meme being racist, which is hypocritical and plain wrong. Also, the arguing point isn’t if the meme is bad, it’s if the meme is racist. @Axartar

    +2 7.1 years ago
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    20.3k Axartar

    That is more racist I’m sorry to say removing German ww2 planes is racist and the meme is terrible sorry :-)@RyneKuczy

    7.1 years ago
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    @RyneKuczy true.

    7.1 years ago
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    If the Ugandan knuckles meme is “racist” then I expect everyone to stop building WW2 Era replicas of German planes

    +3 7.1 years ago
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    18.2k exosuit

    back then when this community is far less cancerous . . .

    7.1 years ago
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    248 Cooper04

    Don’t worry you are the true memer and know da wae unlike the cringy ppl who don’t know da glorious wae. But honestly I’m on your side that’s just a meme not at all racist, ppl these days smh

    +2 7.1 years ago
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    Nowadays you can get called racist for wearing a white shirt, I wouldn’t be surprised.

    7.1 years ago
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    8,281 12ocketguy

    I agree with you, what people said is not right however, you don't need to tag the people who didn't like your post. By tagging them you are causing more drama. I think people could've stated their opinion differently so that people won't get hurt on both ends.

    +1 7.1 years ago
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    9,680 CarsonG1017

    @BACconcordepilot ikr

    7.1 years ago
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    8,354 arcues

    Oh that's why people in my school was asking me that

    +2 7.1 years ago
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    40.2k Awsomur

    And the only reason I said “Downvote” was because I think the meme is stupid. But I don’t think it was wrong of you to post it, I was simply stating my opinion.

    +2 7.1 years ago
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    40.2k Awsomur

    @TheGuyYouMightKnow is right. If that qualifies as racism, an Northern American talkin’ in a Southern’ ‘Mercian accent, like that, would also have to be racist.

    7.1 years ago
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    Lmao anyone who thinks that Ugandan Knuckles is racist is an overly sensitive moron with a deluded understanding of the word "joke." It's certainly a terrible meme and it deserves to die out, but it is not racist. In my eyes controversy brings attention, attention brings followers, followers bring support.

    +3 7.1 years ago