That's right.
SP is losing pizazz, and I'm starting to lose ideas.
I'll post some finished stuff, but here's the dillio:
I'm either starting over, going into retirement, or staying active on the site but not building as much (~ 1 plane every couple weeks)
I'll tell you when I make a decision.
If I do start over, what username should I use?
@ForeverPie eks die
@Baldeagle086 Lol
@Kerbango @doge @DemonSniper8
I think I'll try that, thanks!
I think just play some different games for a bit, then come back :) it'd be a shame to start over and then realize it was a bad idea
I don’t think you should start over. It’s kind of pointless because the only things you’ll get out of it are having 0 points and less recognition for your builds.
Don’t worry mate I’ve bin in your position and I still coming up with different models
My advice becuse I've been there multiple times
Take a break for a week or two then come back
Game gets boring sometimes @Jetpackturtle
You shouldn’t starts over but if you do your name can be scuba pigeon
Noooooo don't start over!
You don't have to end the game for yourself. This game is completely open-ended so you can just set it aside and play something else. Try crossout.
Then you can come back when you get inspiration we will still be here. Your score will still be here.
@Jetpackturtle Don't start over, don't retire, I'll give you enough builds to drive (fly) you round the bend!
@DarthAbhinav Ik, that's my last decision.