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A little about M.Corp

247k EternalDarkness  7.1 years ago

During the last year and a half, I had people asking me what's the story behind M.Corp. It's on every one of my builds, a personal brand. So:

M.Corp is a little role play I have, whose sole purpose is to provide a backstory for my builds. It's basically a corporation-country. Leader of the M.Corp is a Supreme Director/Overlord/Emperor (me, of course), thus making it a monarchy.

I'm usually not focusing on this part. Come to think of it, I'd take good part of Africa, a bit of middle east, and Serbia, Montenegro, and Republic of Srpska in southeast Europe.

Foreign politics
M.Corp takes part in many humanitarian and peacekeeping operations worldwide. It is neither an ally nor an enemy to Russia and NATO. M.Corp is a member of UN. Nations considered friendly are Italy, Greece and Canada.

Armed forces/strategic military assets
M.Corp doesn't support nuclear weapons, and doesn't produce, use, store, or transport them. Instead, M.Corp has brought thermobaric explosives to the extreme, surpassing FOAB. Such explosives, in form of warheads, are deployed with corporation's strategic force as a deterrent.

M.Corp Air Force consists of various fighters, attackers, CAS planes, trainers, SAR aircraft, and even an ekranoplan. It also features transport, assault, and attack helicopters.

Ground troops are equipped with state of the art transport vehicles, tanks, APCs, IFVs, scout vehicles, and utility vehicles.

Navy of the M.Corp is its pride. It has many powerful ships, from destroyers, over frigates, landing ships, and corvettes, to missile boats, patrol boats, and minesweepers. It is present all over the world, deploying and protecting M.Corp ground troops, participating in peacekeeping operations, and showing the flag of M.Corp in high seas.

As you may notice, there's no section dedicated to personal armament and equipment of M.Corp troops. That section is yet to come.

Links on this post may change overtime, being replaced by newer, better builds.

Since M.Corp isn't a full-blown role play, there are no exact numbers. The point is, M.Corp can wage a large-scale war if it's necessary. It has enough money to maintain a large army, keeping a constant demand for new builds.

I hope you enjoyed reading this.

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    @EternalDarkness sad :(

    1.6 years ago
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    @SanyaPAM12 probably not. I'm not active anymore.

    1.6 years ago
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    Hey bro! I would like to look at strategic or tactical weapons more powerful than the FOAB that you wrote about. Are you going to do it?

    1.6 years ago
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    3,364 FishbedFive

    "doesn't support nuclear warheads"
    Who needs nuclear warheads when you have a whole country that has nuclear warheads as one huge deterrent?

    4.6 years ago
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    @KillerDread to get it up to my standard, it would take days of work, and I'd have to make everything from scratch. Sorry, can't do.

    7.1 years ago
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    @EternalDarkness Hay SledDriver suggested me to ask you to help me redesign one of my boats I made here's the link ,, make it mobile friendly with a simple Ship Hall and make a turret that uses the weapons or you can use one of the Canon mods or use one of your custom cannons for it just remember to make it mobile-friendly.

    7.1 years ago
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    @DarthAbhinav I can comprehend simple jokes, however I indeed lack the ability to comprehend the dumb ones.

    7.1 years ago
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    @PhantomBladeCorp not really. If you rise living standard, educate against exteme Islam, and deploy army, it's a good territory.

    +1 7.1 years ago
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    47.9k Phantomium

    @EternalDarkness naughty neighbor, might I add ;)
    Also, Middle East is a Kinder egg Islamic Edition. You never know when it's gonna go boom...

    7.1 years ago
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    A not so great one. Quit boasting about your overrated intergalactic empire that has no context whatsoever here: @DarthAbhinav

    7.1 years ago
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    @DarthAbhinav it's not in the same story

    7.1 years ago
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    104k Dllama4

    lol. 😆 @BaconAircraft

    7.1 years ago
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    39.1k phanps

    Косово je србиja.

    7.1 years ago
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    @Dllama4 Imagine just seeing tens of hundreds of squadron after squadron of various sized airliners and private jets... that would be the result of my "company" going into war.

    If the universe is indeed a simulation, waging war against the airliners will probably crash the computer that runs the simulation.

    7.1 years ago
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    2,129 SPCWorkshops

    Could you help me with a corvette I am making? @EternalDarkness

    7.1 years ago
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    104k Dllama4

    He has a flag. @GermanWarMachine

    7.1 years ago
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    104k Dllama4

    And then there’s D.Corp...

    7.1 years ago
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    @PhantomBladeCorp yeah, he's my neighbor :)

    +1 7.1 years ago
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    47.9k Phantomium

    Bog je srbin

    7.1 years ago
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    5,517 one

    I'm still finding a way how to make fictional ships.

    7.1 years ago
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    13.9k Fjorge

    The Republic of Fjorge wants to be allies lol

    7.1 years ago
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    40.2k Awsomur


    7.1 years ago
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    40.2k Awsomur

    Good point!

    7.1 years ago
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    @Botfinder I've noticed that Bot-core works in a similar way.

    7.1 years ago
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    @Awsomur a backstory like that requires absolutely no effort, and no participants. If you invest effort into making it a reasonable story and have participants, it's an RP.

    7.1 years ago
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