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2 random things that make me go haywire for barely any reason

235k jamesPLANESii  7.0 years ago

1. People explaining how to do images wrong... well right, but just over complicating it.

Most people explain how to do pictures like this:
! [] (image link) except take out all the spaces.
But they can be done way shorter and less confusingly:
![](Image link)
See how much shorter that is?
As long as you put a space in the second part, the link doesn’t turn into blue writing.

People putting the main landing gear with tricycle landing gear in the wrong place.

The main wheels are supposed to go inbetween the CoM and CoL, not as far back on the plane as physically possible! They’re placed by there because it makes rolling back for takeoff much easier, and also makes landing more stable.
Putting the landing gear at the back puts stress on the aeroplane, and significantly lengthens the take off run to ridiculous lengths.

Ok that’s all I hoped that helps you guys so I don’t get driven any more crazy. XD
Oh and sorry about all the forums I’m making lately. It’s just I have a lot of significant things to say lately lol.

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    Yup @asteroidbook345

    7.0 years ago
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    The only thing that I can't stand is unnecessary negativity. If you don't like someone's post, you can tell them nicely what you feel isn't right, or do what JamesPLANESii did here and make an educational post, people that go off saying other people's builds suck have no place in this community.

    7.0 years ago
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    XD @BogdanX

    7.0 years ago
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    1. Backslashes also help
    7.0 years ago
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    Yeah, those landing gears near the tail. It's supposed to be just a foot or two behind the CoM of the empty plane.

    7.0 years ago
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    11.6k Pjork

    hoope i help. you done it wrong

    7.0 years ago
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    11.6k Pjork

    Do link like so. ! [] (LINK FOR YOUR PICTURE) but leave spaces out

    7.0 years ago
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    You should make Another one as the advice is pretty helpful

    7.0 years ago
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    5,449 CDRxavier

    Yes that the landing gear is not to be as far back as possible.
    BUT there are planes that do have landing gear very far behind.
    And that only work with planes that are horizontal when standing on the wheels-taildraggers are another story.

    +2 7.0 years ago
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    23.4k marcox43

    Guess i'm not the only one who gets crazy with those landing gears xdd.

    7.0 years ago
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    36.3k DbE

    I find putting the landing gear further back is easier on takeoff. To me it seems cleaner. Otherwise I usually rail skid..... most of my planes use a different design tho.

    7.0 years ago
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    Where do you put the backslash? @Tully2001

    7.0 years ago