Ever since I started doing my highly detail replicas, which I started building... ummm.., something like ages ago, I have been having to deal with this rather annoying issue:
We don’t have a big enough colour palette!!!
Seriously, 15 colours is extremely limiting.
My Shorts 330. I had to make the matte dark green on the livery black because I completely ran out of colours.
My Scout Tundra. I would have built a caravan attachment for it, but I used up all of the colours in the car, and I wouldn’t have been able to do colours for the carpet, the wood finishings, or had a nice white for the exterior.
My Scout Defender. I was gonna put a massive excavator on a flat bed trailer on it, but I had nowhere near enough colours for it.
We need to make the colours available at least 20. Perferably 25. 15 just isn’t enough, and is just another one of those silly limitations that is in this game. It’s annoying!
Or, as CaesiciusPlanes suggested, just adding more colours when you need them, or getting rid of colours when you don’t need them.
Most of you probably haven’t had this issue before, but it happens to me on literally every single thing I build, and I can’t be the only one.
Ok that’s all. Share your thoughts in the comments.
I know, but tbh we shouldn’t need to do that. @X4JB
Yeah, they should make setting the color per part instead of per type
This happens to me all the time.
I’m not talking about changing the colour. I’m talking about adding more colour palettes. @koryg
Couldn't you have just used XML to change the color?
Well, you just have to build lots and practice! That’s why I’m so good lol. @MadSpartan553
Yup @SangerAircraft
@jamesPLANESii is there any way you could help me build better planes, cars, and boats? I find your posts amazing but I am very bad at this game. Could u pls help me build better?
I propose a color slider similar to the shade slider in place of the default colors, and then the existing shade sliders for each.
@jamesPLANESii lol
Well when you get on to doing interiors and building complex aircraft and cars you’ll realaise that you have 5 colours too few... @Jetpackturtle
jk i don't need this at all :|
Yes, me and JamesPlanesii already cleared that up. The way you worded it sounded as if you were talking about XML modded colours. @MasterLobster
@Rodrigo110 You clearly don't know what I'm talking about, you can add more colors and have an infinite amount of choices to choose from, for example my Ju 52 has more than 15 different colors in it. I should've worded it better.
reading the title i wouldve bet $ this was about LANDING GEAR PLACEMENT!!! LOL
@AndrewGarrison we shouldn't have made diesel engines. They made steam ones obsolete and useless. So what if we lose old builds? I would be the first to sacrifice all my old builds for a chance to make new, better ones.
@EternalDarkness I wish! XD...That's one of the nice things about working on SR2 so far is fixing a lot of technical debt we took on with SimplePlanes, but not having to worry about breaking hundreds of thousands of players' builds.
Was just waiting for someone to make a post about it.
Well done mate!
That should be your next goal. @spefyjerbf
You should try interiors on your ships. That’d be cool. @spefyjerbf
I rarely even reach 8 colors wow
I seem to be the only person who doesn't have this problem... I only use about 5-6 colors on the palette. Perhaps this is an opportunity for me to improve...
I need help
Ah, that could be an idea for Gestour to make a mod around. @jamesPLANESii