now weekend replicas tomorrow, so you know what that means. the corsair is coming out! but before i introduce the lovely corsair to you guys, how bout' i show you what i've been doing lately,
it will be released at Weekday fictionals, see yah! -AdlerSteiner
A Tank Teaser
35.1k AdlerSteiner
6.7 years ago
@Mostly ...o...k
@PhantomBladeCorp ...o...k
That is one big gun barrel for a little turret
Looks like a light tank tbh.
@AdlerSteiner oh ok, that's a nice long schlong
@Razor3278 it's a super tank developed by the RaulSteich Motors, a 150mm frebel kanon
Why does the gun look so long
@Dllama4 thank you! i'll just message it to you
I'm sure it looks great though.
huh. Imgur isn't working...
@Dllama4 here
Awesome tank!
I actually can't see the image