I would like the following mechanism to be added to the game: to set a determined starting position for a piston, by now we have pull and push modes, in wich is basically fully extended or retracted, but what about it being at 1/2 extended while still having the full travel? example: starts in 1/2 position and retracts to zero and the normal cycle. This would be very useful for making piston engines, so they have more constant torque and not only two stages.
@DerekSP what i think theyre saying is to have a piston with a range if 1 that starts at 1/2. modifying the min/max to 1/2 will make the piston start at 1 (or 0) and have a max movement of 1/2 of the total range.
I believe you could accomplish this by modifying the Max and Min values of the InputController