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56.2k AviownCorp  6.9 years ago

Even after my hard work I have got same low responses with this one. That's why I was afraid.

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    23.4k marcox43

    for the size of those engines, it feels like if you used the engines on the F-5 tiger instead of engines in proportion, also I bet that canopy can easily fit 6 people inside if this was in real size.

    +1 6.9 years ago
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    30.4k ChiChiWerx

    Have you made a HAL Marut yet? I bet a good rendition of that airplane might get you some good points.

    +1 6.9 years ago
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    30.4k ChiChiWerx

    Meh, don’t worry about have 47,000+ points, you’re a success in Simple Planes by any measure!

    +1 6.9 years ago
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    If you want a boatload of points, make a Spitfire with camouflage, a P-51 with fancy nose art or an airliner with a cockpit so detailed that it makes cellphones melt. That's the kind of stuff people upvote.

    You can't make people like stuff, you can only hope they like what you make or pander to them and make stuff you already know they like.

    Anyway, no matter how many upvotes you get, it'll never be enough if you don't enjoy what you're doing.

    +3 6.9 years ago