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Submarine Engines

1,078 Sheeper  7.0 years ago

So, I'm trying to make a submarine and it is going pretty well. I already know how to power the submarine, VTOL engines, and thrust ports.

But the thrust ports don't work if the engines are underwater so it can't move if the submarine is lowered into the water. I've tried encasing the engines in a box, putting them on the pistons that raise and lower the submarine, but nothing I have tried works.

If anyone has an idea of what to do, I would like to know.
Thank You!

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    you can put the engine in a separate craft with its own tank of fuel

    3.3 years ago
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    @marcox43 ok

    +1 5.4 years ago
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    23.4k marcox43

    @Goaty1208 I... don't know how to answer to such praising.

    +1 5.4 years ago
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    @marcox43 you are a genius

    +1 5.4 years ago
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    1,078 Sheeper

    @TwentyFour talked me through it in multiplayer. I just added the main VTOL engines (not thrust ports) to the fuselage blocks that allowed for depth, since that was the only thing that would be above water the whole time.

    +1 7.0 years ago
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    1,130 Quip

    @Sheeper oh nice, what was the problem?

    +1 7.0 years ago
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    1,078 Sheeper

    @marcox43 Yeah I wanted to use a jet engine of some sort and I got it sorted out

    +1 7.0 years ago
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    1,078 Sheeper

    @Quip I already fixed it it's fine

    +2 7.0 years ago
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    23.4k marcox43

    you can use this engine that I made for my submarine some time ago here
    you can also use this one, but idk if it will work well underwater, as it was designed for a plane and high RPM V4 engine

    +1 7.0 years ago
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    1,130 Quip

    @Sheeper you should upload an unlisted version and tag me in it. It's possible I could help

    +1 7.0 years ago
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    1,078 Sheeper

    @JangoTheMango haha Jango that is actually what I did because there are visual glitches if you turn cordScale too high and turn it on. Luckily I already know a bit about submarines like the variable depth part with pistons.

    +1 7.0 years ago
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    13.5k DemonSniper8

    Step 1: cry

    +3 7.0 years ago
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    69.5k Chancey21

    To make a prop engine work under water, edit its blade width (cordScale in XML files) above maximum allowed. Number you should input is 7 for just under the surface. If you want to place engine deeper, use bigger number.

    +1 7.0 years ago