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(RP) New Bohemia to offer trade to SimpleLandia

302 NewBohemia  7.0 years ago

We've received the recent news about TNNG cutting trade routes with SimpleLandia, and are offering our own, alternative manufacturing materials and a new biofuel which is fully compatible with standard fuel types.
In exchange, we expect SimpleLandia to open their airspace to our scheduled civilian flights, as well as founding new air lines connecting SimpleLandia and The Principality of New Bohemia.
We also expect SimpleLandia to join B.D.A. - Bohemian Defense Alliance which will ensure that in case any of our nations is attacked, the other one will aid by sending supplies to occupied civilian areas, decreasing civilian casualties in the process.
We are awaiting response from the SimpleLandian officials, and we are ready to change the offer if necessary.

- spokesman of The Principality of New Bohemia