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(RP) New Bohemia Times #5

302 NewBohemia  7.0 years ago

New leadership

We are sorry to inform all citizens that our leader, monarch DerekSP, is currently not able to fulfill his role as a head of state.
He has appointed the Parliament to manage the Principality of New Bohemia while he's absent.
It is not yet clear for how long will the Parliament remain in the lead of our nation.
Public responses were mixed, with a large portion of Bohemian citizens stating that they are afraid that the new leadership will destabilize the current, relatively peaceful situation.

New flag design approved

A new flag of the Principality of New Bohemia has been approved by the Parliament. It inherits colors from the flag of the Czech Republic who helped with establishing of the New Bohemia, however its layout also symbolizes the independence and sovereignty of New Bohemia.

BDA established

The Bohemian Defense Alliance has been recently established with its founding members being New Bohemia and SimpleLandia.
BDA aims to secure humanitarian aid to its members during wartime and natural disasters.
New Bohemia has reportedly contacted more nations regarding the matter, but has not yet received any definite responses.

Bohemian Airlines expanding

Following the establishment of the BDA, many nations agreed to open their airspace to civilian flights. Bohemian Airlines took full advantage of the fact, establishing tens of new international flights.
They've also reportedly invested exceptional amounts of money into their new long-haul fleet, consisting solely of the brand new BA-91C airliner, which, because of its controversial origin, has received the nickname "Nuclear Airliner" from its passengers.

-New Bohemia Times

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    @NewBohemia The Republic of TNNG opens its airspace to all nations

    7.0 years ago
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    Sorry, But as any normal countriy would say, we are not joining your country. We just would like to Form an alliance. e.g. allowing citizens to goto your country if an attack occurs and vice versa. I think thats what you were trying to say with "Join"

    7.0 years ago
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    "Nuclear Airliner"

    7.0 years ago
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    @Ethological BDA is not a sovereign entity by itself, and has no military assets. It only ensures that member nations will support each other in non-military ways.
    We would of course gladly accept if you wanted to join the BDA.

    7.0 years ago
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    Riley Island would love to form an alliance with your defense force.

    7.0 years ago