Ayyy good job friend! I remember when I hit 500, I was ecstatic! I know the feel, it’s pretty good, feel like you’re getting somewhere.
Just keep making what you do good in, experiment a bit, improve techniques here and there and you’ll do fine! Best of luck!
If you want to be the top player, think about how to build better things then the current top players, anyone can build the best stuff, it’s just how much you put into it @Andrewtheplane
Ayyy good job friend! I remember when I hit 500, I was ecstatic! I know the feel, it’s pretty good, feel like you’re getting somewhere.
Just keep making what you do good in, experiment a bit, improve techniques here and there and you’ll do fine! Best of luck!
If you want to be the top player, think about how to build better things then the current top players, anyone can build the best stuff, it’s just how much you put into it @Andrewtheplane
@chancey21 I will try at any rate
Aim for highest of all time @Andrewtheplane
Wish you luck! @Andrewtheplane
@Strikefighter04 Thank you I hope to hit silver that is my goal so halfway there