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(RP) Our statement...

302 NewBohemia  6.9 years ago

The Principality of New Bohemia has not released any statement regarding the current ongoing events, mostly because we have wanted to wait to see how all the things are going to turn out.
However, our silence made our public feel insecure, thinking that we may be preparing for another conflict.
So, we would like to announce that we are not planning to join any ongoing conflicts or mobilizations.
We are pulling all our troops and aircraft from all foreign territories, including Wright Isles, Krakabloa, Maywar Island and SimpleLandia.
We have also ordered Bohemian Airlines to cancel all of their flights, except the regular line to the Czech Republic.
Our brand new Spectre drones will be guarding the airspace all around New Bohemia, they will be entering international airspace in the process and we will not pull them back under any circumstances. They are not equipped with any weapons except a very low-caliber, anti-balloon gun. Any hostile action against our early warning system will be considered a declaration of war.

Due to the sensitivity of current events, we are also suspending all operations of the Bohemian Defense Alliance, with no solid date of restarting it as of yet.

We do not want to enter any more armed conflicts that do not directly threaten our security. So far, the only enemy we fought was the Cobra, which was an universal enemy of most nations.
During that war, we hoped that a mutual enemy would unite all, however, we are disappointed to see that nations are once again preparing to fight each other.

On the happier note now - we are pleased to announce that monarch DerekSP will soon be returning to office as the leader of the nation, with majority of the Parliament approving of his leadership.

The Principality of New Bohemia is open to any diplomatic or trade deals. So far, we want to stay neutral, but if any lesser nation requires our help, we are ready to send it.

And, to all citizens of New Bohemia, we want you to remain calm. Do not expect us to enter any conflict that does not endanger you. If however such an conflict shall occur, we will try to make use of our new unmanned technology as much as we can, to minimize losses on our side.

- spokesman of the Principality of New Bohemia

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    Also, Kruola was overthrown by rebels, so now they are NAS. @Botfinder

    6.9 years ago
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    We support your decisions for good. @NewBohemia

    6.9 years ago
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    Stop spreading propaganda, we are allies now, so stop bad mouthing SimpleLandia and her allies. @Botfinder

    6.9 years ago
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    @Botfinder We're not denying existence of other options. However, we do not believe the danger that we'd put ourselves in would be worth the conflict with no useful outcome. We are, however, developing a new, aerial mass-destruction system. And, after its completion, we may reevaluate the situation...

    6.9 years ago
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    @Botfinder Yes. We are aware of the controversial bombing of the Cobra on the Kruolan land, but in that situation, it was the only possible exit point from the conflict. We ourselves have started to develop nuclear weapons only to deal with the Cobra, and without the bombing taking place, the war could have grown even bigger with enormous losses on both sides.

    6.9 years ago
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    @Botfinder we are not yet prepared to join any alliance in the current war. We had a good relationship with SimpleLandia so far, and we do not see any reason why it should be attacked.

    6.9 years ago