Purple: 7F00FF
Blue: 0000FF
Green: 00FF00
Orange: FF7F00
Change according to needs - lighter colors by adding so that the numbers are closer to FFFFFF, darker to 000000.
E.g. Green:
000000 (black) - 007F00 - 00FF00 - 7FFF7F - FFFFFF (white)
To learn more about how RGB values work, play around with a color picker
@Tully2001 whoops sorry
@Minecraftpoweer thanks for the upvote
@Minecraftpoweer thanks will give an upvote too
just go here and pick
@AstleyIndustries thanks will give you an upvote
Purple: 7F00FF
Blue: 0000FF
Green: 00FF00
Orange: FF7F00
Change according to needs - lighter colors by adding so that the numbers are closer to FFFFFF, darker to 000000.
E.g. Green:
000000 (black) - 007F00 - 00FF00 - 7FFF7F - FFFFFF (white)
To learn more about how RGB values work, play around with a color picker
@AstleyIndustries something like, purple, blue, green, orange
Specify some colors