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Update 8 suggestions

473 Planenut2017  6.9 years ago

Just some things I’d Like to see in SP soon

-when you attack a carrier it should launch/spawn planes to defend itself
- there should be a new helicopter engine part with way longer rotors
-mobile users should be able to make custom landing gear(not sure if it’s on pc or not)
-we should get more variety in weapons like auto-cannons that do more damage or somthing
- when you add bombs to your plane and have them selected, your cockpit view should go to a bombsight or have a seperate bombsight view to switch to
- I would like to see weapons bays too as an option in fuselage blocks.

I think that’s all I can think of for now

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    23.4k marcox43

    continuing with the rotators, add the option for rotators to be activated by either GND-to-GND or AIR-to-AIR, so we don't open all the weapon bays just because we want to fire something. Also set the schock absorbers with variable size: variable travel(lenght), way more spring hardening without modding(up to 300), this is because we can't enter modded vehicles to tournaments, so I want to have the most tunning options as possible without modding, example: a race car needs a very stiff and short travel spring, so it fits in the car and provides dampening on bumps. and if it's not much asking, a multitarget system so we can target up to 4 planes at a time and will only work with a dedicated missile(just as in H.A.W.X).

    6.9 years ago
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    I meant on rotators there should be a button that makes them rotate when you hit the landing gear

    6.9 years ago
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    I’m a mobile user so I can’t use mods which is why I want some of these things to be added

    6.9 years ago
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    Helicopter Engine can be made with xml, mobile users can make custom landing gear (harder for ios users because apple have made it that way because they cant have mods. Android users can do pretty much anything a pc player can)
    More damage on guns can be made with xml.

    6.9 years ago