Ok people. Recently I’ve got interested in the amazing game, BeamNG.Drive. My favourite car is the Hirochi Sunburst, which is pretty much just a Subaru Impreza lol. Especially the hatch back version, which is a mod.
Speaking of which, I really wanna build a 4 door hatch car of my own. The issue is though, I’m currently building a Brewster Buffalo. I can’t build 2 things at once, I’m just not a fast enough builder. Also progress is ceasing up with the buffalo, I just don’t have much inspiration to build it.
So, what would you like me to build?
A question that is not about the universe. Actually it totally is nvm.
234k jamesPLANESii
6.7 years ago
Get some hot sauce too.
I'm building the Wentward DT40L from Beamng.Drive at the moment actually.
I'll give you a sneak peek now.
Nothing! I’m used to seeing plats as all-seeing omniscient gods who know the answer to everything. @jamesPLANESii
What’s wrong with that? @InternationalAircraftCompany
Oh my god a plat asking a question
That’s a shame. It’s a really awesome game. @Chancey21
The game is good. Get the reshade mod.
The really want BeamNG and I have for a long time, but I’m ON A @&$?@&$ MAC
Go with what you want
Nah a 4 door hatch back. @Supermini555
So you want to make the Sunburst Stationwagon (Hirochi Sunwagon)?
That’s quite interesting
Search it up on google images. @FastDan
I don't know what a Brewster Buffalo is,so do the car.