The landing gear is a little squishy
and notice the wings are in a lot of pieces
Can somebody diagnose this 747
138k BaconEggs
6.8 years ago
The landing gear is a little squishy
and notice the wings are in a lot of pieces
@jamesPLANESii @BaconRoll yeah Juan Trippe and Bill Allen are gay... obviously
ah, it has a severe case of telekenisis.
Enough to fly in my gravitational anomalies! This is my Blue Forest! Next, who will fly over the Forest, will be quartered by me personally!
@jamesPLANESii no problem at all, just trying to kill off a bad meme
Well what’s wrong with having gay parents? @BaconRoll
@jamesPLANESii it might just be a common cold but who knows for sure
Er... it’s parents are gay? @BaconRoll
@GermanWarMachine I'll diagnose you
After a decade of research (don't question how that's possible) I conclude your plane has a case of 'Thinematernalparentisthomosexual-itis'
@MrTyTheGreat KSP Kraken went sad and ruined SP...
Wingardium Leviosa!
It has a case of supercalasquishy explodius
@ForeverPie thhads ab badd wrdd
Thbbisbsbb isbsbss a citbte fobrbb chbilbbrebnbb
The 747 has Down Syndrome
nOt EnOuGh ChRoMoSoMeS
@MrSilverWolf @jamesPLANESii if you're talking about the wings, yes. They're moved up to not cause interference with other parts being added
@MrTyTheGreat no, when in doubt, deploy the flaps
Ah, yes.
You've awakened the krakken.
Your best bet would be to hold onto anything that's bolted to the floor, and pray to your god.
Do all your planes have the blue tail?
Is it like that in the designer?
Well I do know how to fix the wheels that are shaking badly, change the mass scale on them to something higher until it stops, but idk about what is going on with the rest of the plane
Joking aside was it all in one piece when in the editor?
I'm afraid to say but it has a severe case of the SP physics, terribly sorry about that