He has sent an EMP over the Main islands. This will affect Snowstone, Maywar, Krakabloa and Wright Isles. Be ready for war. May gods love be with all.
He has sent an EMP over the Main islands. This will affect Snowstone, Maywar, Krakabloa and Wright Isles. Be ready for war. May gods love be with all.
Now forget about this, why are there star destroyers in my game💀 (this is a joke)
snowstone did not ask for war but snowstone got war snowstone is now angry and ready to fight back
@Strikefighter04 https://www.simpleplanes.com/Forums/View/775890/RP-New-German-Empire-ICBM-project
The posts in german. Check the comments
What EMP? We have had no internet or electronic losses. My son is playing Fortnite.
XD if someone didn't know that this was a RP tho.
mr president @Strikefighter04 your decision !?
You have committed a war crime on an unprecedented level. SimpleLandia, Turtaria, Tinland, Elsweyr, Ect. Will respond with immense force if you continue your actions. By committing an unprovoked act of war, you have violated several international treaties.
The grand tamrielian passages state:
Shal a Kingdom and it’s allies be assaulted unprovoked, full force will be unleashed. No lives spared, no prisoners taken.
The SimpleLandian pact has multiple times where it states where any and all attacks on the main SimpleLandian islands will be considered an act of war and shal be responded to with high force.