y is dis boi wack?
Rate my setup lmao;)
All photos shot in my iPhone SE
I built all of this model and very impressed with the zuccsess I had. Great kit. Hope ye like it. Also I apologize for my lack of presence on the site, I had lots of school stuff.
That tank looks nuts xd
Cool. Starting to build a P-40B and a J7W1
a great zuccsess
Tomica cars are so cool! I have a few as well.@Delphinos
Sweet. I've got a Revell ford bronco
Nice! I have a 1/35 Mark.IV Landship and T26E4 Super Pershing
noice. The closest to getting a RC tank I've gotten are those little ones that shoot fireworks.
I’m getting a 1/350 Tamiya USS Missouri in about a week or so
Very nice! Also, we collect Japanese cars, from Tomica, Tamiya, Mattel, and more ;-)
I'm getting into a bit of scale modeling as well. Some questions? I see you have Testors, Enamel or Acrylic? If enamel can Tamiya thinner strip the paint? Also do I need to add a clear coat before applying panel Tamiya panel lines?
I can't paint if it were to save my life lol
I wish all my models I make would turn out that nice
All photos shot in my iPhone SE
What? All the shots look way better than my iphone 6 plus. Currently my phone has problem focusing objects around <5cm
Lol! Mine gets really messy! What brands and scale do you like?@ThePilotDude