I am assembling a squadron of pilots and their aircraft (multiplayer) please leave the following info in the comments
- callsign
- aircraft (with a link perferably)
- aircraft name
1. must be a WWII aircraft
2. pilot should be consistantly active at and after 2:00 central timezone ( tardy or absent days are
3. must have a name for your aircraft
4. must have a callsign (must be clean, no clown pen*s SNL in here)
5. must complete the WWII dogfight challenge
If you fail to meet the requirements you may not be accepted in the sqaudron
@SmokyMatchBox ok
@HistoricBirds but I am back now
@HistoricBirds hey slim, I haven'the been able to gt on simpleplanes because of my exams
Please ask Skywalker i am currently busy with packing
@HistoricBirds what is the IP address for the squadron meetup? I am free today and been looking for the kraken with "Shinigami"
@Awsomur If I still play in 2 years then you will see me rolling out some pretty cool stuff (I will have a pc)
I might buy a better laptop someday... I’ll check in on the squadron when that day comes.
@Awsomur I know how it feels my computer sucks too!
I really would love to join, but my computer is really, really bad. I can play multiplayer, but with more than a few people it crashes. Thanks for the invitation though!
@Awsomur would you like to join?
probably not if you havn't already but it worth a shot
@Mostly vote for your favorite plane here
@ThePilotDude vote for your favorite plane here
@pavthepilot @Mostly @ThePilotDude any ideas for the squadron name?
@HistoricBirds btw mind that this is not a pivate server so u might se 7th generaton fighters
@HistoricBirds ok
@ThePilotDude @pavthepilot @HistoricBirds @Mostly remember the server is
@ThePilotDude ok awesome!
@HistoricBirds i hope it is tomorow
@pavthepilot @Mostly I will tag you guys when its time
@pavthepilot for sure!
@Mostly see ya
@pavthepilot ok see you then
@Mostly @HistoricBirds can't wait to play with u tomorow guys
@HistoricBirds indeed
@pavthepilot that was fun!