Give new users a link to this post to explain how to get off the ground
Hi new users, this guide will help you get off the ground (you never would have guessed)
Section One: Building
Try starting from scratch rather than basing it off a stock plane (the default ones)
Stand out, try making unusual and unique designs: swept forward wings, counter rotating propellers ETC
%USE FUSELAGE BLOCKS, I can’t stress this enough, they may look intimidating at first but they are really, well, simple
Section Two: SP Website
Click “edit tags” to add tags to your plane, for example, jet, military, bomber
Click the “reply” button to ask someone a question make a comment ETC
Section Three: Formatting
To put pictures in your posts use this code: 
To make a clickable link use this code:
[click here](link here)
Add a bunch of hashtags in front of stuff to get fonts like
click here
Go to to upload your pictures to the internet @Jetliner101
if you click here, yer DEAD
dont click here
@Chancey21 k
Yay, but that wasn’t a real link @PixleArtist
click here
Yeah I did it!
Click here
Haha this is funny
Without the space in between @PixleArtist
Fixed now, congrats on bronze @PixleArtist
Sorry I screwed it up, url goes in parentheses @PixleArtist
[click here] ( @PixleArtist
Nope XD
[Click here](]
Nope, i dont understand the link thing XD XD XD
Do I count
finally, a reliable one for beginners.
click on the link. @darkhawk138
Look at the link in formatting @darkhawk138
@Caveman999 how to do like that
[sexy text] (link)
Also, you want to die trying to figure everything out for the first 30 minutes. After that, it's easyishly