I found a thing! (Queue worried look from the reader)
In War Thunder, you can make your own skins for your planes. While only being client-side, that was the most freedom that a game has ever granted me without having to pay money! Yee! So, I'm learning how to use GIMP (Cant afford photoshop) and I'm making my own skins! Yay! And it's client side, so I can put whatever I want on it.
K, bye
@MrTyTheGreat noice
I know.
Q X-Files theme
Queue is just the letter q followed by four silent letters.
Mattangi is alive
@MrTyTheGreat purchase 'em
@MrTyTheGreat nooooooo
I don't have those planes, I'd need a template file. Or Id need to shivers play as Germany.
Waait I actually did die, the forum post was a glitch!
release them tho, i want 'em on my do-17 or me-109.
Permission to save photo for recreational purposes
elon r u ok