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I will be less active 22, 23, 24, 25

693 StarKnight697  6.6 years ago

I will be not active on SP on the above dates, as it is my Grade 8 Grad Trip. (The Monday after is my Birthday! To quote certain users ;), “REEEEEEEEEEEE!”)

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    Thx ;)

    6.6 years ago
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    @StarKnight697 HAPPY BIRTHDAY

    6.6 years ago
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    Maybe we just want to post stuff cuz we don’t have any friends outside of SP :( Also, this is 4 days, not 3 hours
    @F104Deathtrap @JangoTheMango

    6.6 years ago
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    @JangoTheMango Amazing tanks, by the way. You've only been here a little while and already you're one of the best.

    6.6 years ago
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    @JangoTheMango I dunno. I mean, I think it's cool he's going on a trip and the birthday and all that. I just think it's weird how people post stuff like "Mkay, gonna be off for 3 hours while I run to the store for catfood" Some dude posted he was "Dead" 2 days ago, completely unable to participate in the game or forums for "a long time"... he's made 2 more posts since then. It's not fair to lump people together, but I would love to talk about airplanes on here, yaknow?

    6.6 years ago
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    K, bye

    6.6 years ago