693 StarKnight697

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joined 7.6 years ago

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Player Biography  

Director of the Department Of Aerospatial Forces

Hello, I’m StarKnight697, and if I’m being brutally honest, I am a TERRIBLE builder. However, I still like to contribute by upvoting wherever I see good planes, and I like hosting competitions (even though no one ever participates) and helping people on the forum. You can always ask me for help and advice, and while I might not be able to make it myself, I can try to give you some ideas to improve your builds.

Some Random Facts...

Gender: Male
Age: 14
Nationality: Canadian
Living in: Canada
Favourite Island: Snowstone (Cold and Icy, like my heart)
Favorite Colour: Black, like my soul
Device: 2016 iPad Mini Silver

Other Games I Play:

Minecraft, SubNautica, SimpleRockets 2 (Or I will, once it’s released)

Awesome People

@Awsomur - Super cool dude, check out his KM and WAF planes
@Hyperloop - Best Sci-fi builder (in my opinion)
@DarthAbhinav - Made awesome planes, Rest In Peace
@EpicPigster1 - Great Builder, Rest In Peace
@DepressedPig - EpicPigster returned!

Be Advised, I will post random stuff on the forums