Codename: TRM_1805201938
Access Lv: ASTIND-4, ASTIND-EVENT, [10 others]
Attachments: [Word '60 Document], [Unknown File], [Unknown File]
Alert: Various errors detected in transmission.
--- TRANSMISSION 1805201938 ---
This is Report No2 b? Hajime Utagawa, designati?n ERTAR05.
Initial tests have been cond?cted on the ?eceived samples of affected parts and the parts of mach?nes used to manufacture such affected parts. Information li?es up with the reports written before the of?icial testing stage.
TEAM ALPHA has found that upon c?nnection to the ASTIND. network, control components which have not been locked will be reprogrammed slowly and automat?cally.
Additionally, a pre-programmed, but unlocked, control component appear? to "improvise", forming a message with as little change as possible. Messages follow o?e of few comm?n themes; [???], [???], and a few others. More informa?ion is attached in the [Word '60 Document].
The result of different me?sages being formed is due to different components having different pre-existing d?ta and noise upon manufacture. The source o? this could be the signatures written onto the control component by the production line during manufacture.
All four ASTIND. Event Res?arch Teams are unable to conduct thorough investigations on the ASTIND. network as ASTIND. Corporation has not approved the use of cra?ler programs on the location, oth?r than within the Access Level 0 and ASTIND-1 section.
On a more off-topic note, almost 100 TB of person?l files has been found in server space allocated to Ea?th offices. Most of this was [][][][]- and [][][][][][]-related video files. I propose that workers using server space for personal fil?s be dealt with.
Ending report. This is Hajime Utagawa, designation ERTAR05, signing out.
Alert: For your convenience, other transmissions regarding this topic will be linked.
At least it’s creative clickbait. :P
Duly noted. Thanks for the heads-up.