Why aren´t mayvar island and kraken in mobile version ? Please add it. What is the problem ?
My phone is a walking pc.
They're just, too laggy. Even my PC with 6gb ram. Maybe only NASA's computer can handle it.
Trust us: it’s too big. And even if your device could run it, most user’s couldn’t. So why add something only the “1%” if you will could use? @SuperSix
Not for my iPad this baby can handle 1400 parts and run it too
Too large for mobile devices. They even lag out huge PCs sometimes.
@BaconEggs True.
they're too laggy for mobile
My phone is a walking pc.
They're just, too laggy. Even my PC with 6gb ram. Maybe only NASA's computer can handle it.
Trust us: it’s too big. And even if your device could run it, most user’s couldn’t. So why add something only the “1%” if you will could use?
Not for my iPad this baby can handle 1400 parts and run it too
Too large for mobile devices. They even lag out huge PCs sometimes.
@BaconEggs True.
they're too laggy for mobile