10.2k SuperSix

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joined 7.4 years ago

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Player Biography  

R.I.P. Doge121 2016-2017. I rarely make replicas and prefer fictional builds. I also make a wide variety of other things. I am the creator of the best tank ever made, the tank of truth itself, the Bob Semple. Thank you for silver and gold!

Firsts: Good lifeboat, Bob Bemple Tonk

Current Projects:
MTL-1- 70% done (Livery and cannon replacement)(On hold)
R-3A- 50% done (Livery, weapons, and basic features)(On hold)
“T-2.2 TD, name undecided” 40% done (Hull and inside details)(Current project)

”Inspirational Quote.”

Gold reached: 3/15/19

Very inactive due to school and other irl things, might make a forum with incomplete builds and finish those off.