The main issue that I have on SP is that I don’t have enough colours. Almost all the time when I am building, the main thing I’m thinking about is to use my colours wisely and efficiently, and I almost always run out.
And that’s with 15 colours.
Jundroo, please explain. >:(
234k jamesPLANESii
6.6 years ago
Yes @temporaryaccount
That doesn’t add colours. @temporaryaccount
@RamboJutter yes I’m using simplified English
@DisferGoatz you spelt colour wrong, or are you using English simplified? :)
And colours XDD @CruzerBlade
we don't need colors. we need TEXTURES.
How to get triggered 101
I do tho... @Mostly
Ik, but it looks like he’s scraped it... @CaesiciusPlanes
Yea AG-0 should be added too.
Yep. We need more C O L O R
We should also have AG-9 as an extra activation group. Why isn't 9 used?
I don't know, I don't think we need a pallet that big.
Well gosh dang
For the record that's 15 bod
Andrew said that there will be an option for adding more if needed little hack
We need more act groups aswell.
This is so sad can we hit global fishing quotas