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I have 100% definitely figured out what I’m gonna build now. (Not a twin otter! XD)

235k jamesPLANESii  6.8 years ago

Well I’m pretty into bush planes now, and I want to build another bush plane. So I’m building a bush plane based on the one in this game under development called Deadstick Bush Flying Simulator. It’s coming out late this year, and I can’t wait for it!

Heres a link to the trailer video, and here is a link to the explication of the game.
Super cool eh? I can’t wait! It’s like Spin Tyres met My Summer Car and they adopted a flight simulator! So cool!

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    It’s not gonna be an exact replica, it’s just gonna be based off it. @GritAerospaceSolutionsLTD

    6.8 years ago
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    If you have to put the plane together like in MSC then I wish you luck!

    6.8 years ago
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    Yea I have a feeling I won't be able to play it. I'm still using a potato PC back from 2009 and it looks like Deadstick is out of my PC's capabilities. :(

    6.8 years ago
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    107k Kerbango

    @JohnnyBoythePilot all the more reason for me to save up for a new computer that can actually run it.

    6.8 years ago
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    Very very excited for Deadstick. The thing about Deadstick is it's geared strictly toward a niche part of real life flying and virtual flying: Bush flying! You won't find jets or flight levels in this sim. It's all low and slow, stick-and-rudder flying, as well as dead reckoning. You can do bush flying in FSX/P3D or XP11, but Deadstick is doing it at a MUCH finer level than any other sim. In Deadstick, you'll have an avatar/character that can get out of the cockpit and walk around the aircraft to perform maintenance, load/unload cargo manually, pre-flight, etc. and the aircraft, while fictional and being heavily inspired by the Piper Super Cub, is going to be study-level like A2A. This means random failures can happen and things can go wrong not only by how well you fly the airplane, but how you maintain it and take care of it as well. Deadstick will also feature a fictional environment that's heavily inspired by Idaho and Alaska. It will also feature dynamic, ever-changing weather. The detail in Deadstick overall is going to be far greater than FSX, P3D, FSW, or XP11. And the developer said as the game goes on more aircraft/bush planes will be added.

    +5 6.8 years ago
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    Looks more like the Piper Super Cub had a baby with the American Champion Scout.

    6.8 years ago
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    13.5k DemonSniper8

    e x p l i c a t i o n
    Did you mean explaination? Lol

    6.8 years ago
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    101k Wallaby

    Deadstick looks incredible, but I'm sticking to XP11

    6.8 years ago
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    32.3k CRJ900Pilot

    Cool! I kinda wanted a otter tho

    6.8 years ago
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    69.5k Chancey21

    Cool, Ima add to wishlist

    6.8 years ago
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    30.4k soundwave

    Well Ferb, I know what we're going to do today!

    6.8 years ago