@Stellarlabs Yes! A fellow fan!
Now, I haven't seen the movie yet, I've only seen the trailer, and I can already tell you that I know more about Han solo's background than the people who made the movie.
I think I have to agree with @Potato21 the people in the new era like different things then the previous (nothing rong with the previous era or the new era) the world is just changing so if the produsers want to "stay in the game" and make mony they have to roll along with that change. :-) :-) @Stellarlabs
Well the Star Wars is way different then the first few movies that's for sure, but the styles people like change so the movie produsers have to go along with that change. @Stellarlabs
It was a fun ride, but in reterospect it shouldn’t have been made. Ron Howard did his best to save a turmoiled project, but the end result was a non-substantial, forgettable film.
@StellarLabs @BaconEggs
@Potato21 its like SW battlefront 2. They are messing with childhood and the heart. All they are doing is milking it for money and not caring how much lore or anything they break.
I beg to differ, I see how peaple could not like the current state of the franchise, that being that it is in a state of change, it is taking more risks, and I like that, just some may not like the way it was exucuted, and I respect that.@Stellarlabs
Rip that poddling.@ScreamingApe
I am also a huge OT fan.@JED
@ScreamingApe lol
@Stellarlabs the only lore i followed was Dark Souls lore :C
@JunkyardLeader yeah, i’m into the lore. Its been a while since I’ve looked into anything but the newer movies break lore.
@Stellarlabs Yes! A fellow fan!
Now, I haven't seen the movie yet, I've only seen the trailer, and I can already tell you that I know more about Han solo's background than the people who made the movie.
@JED I think you should do some research tho. Go watch a YouTuber that’s called “Geeks + Gamers”
But don't get me rong, I LOVE the old Star Wars movies there classics, and classics are AWESOME :-) :-) @Stellarlabs
I think I have to agree with @Potato21 the people in the new era like different things then the previous (nothing rong with the previous era or the new era) the world is just changing so if the produsers want to "stay in the game" and make mony they have to roll along with that change. :-) :-) @Stellarlabs
Well the Star Wars is way different then the first few movies that's for sure, but the styles people like change so the movie produsers have to go along with that change. @Stellarlabs
You’re just not.
You’re not making any sense.
@Awsomur honestly, the newer lego movie animations look decent compared to the older ones that looked extremely human-like
TBH though, the LEGO Movie 2 looks lit.
@iLikeipads @ScreamingApe
@Awsomur I agree
@iLikeipads CaNt WaiT fOr ThE EmoJi MoVie 2!
i saw it, i liked it, i don't really dislike movies, the last movie that i really didn't like was the emoji movie.
It was a fun ride, but in reterospect it shouldn’t have been made. Ron Howard did his best to save a turmoiled project, but the end result was a non-substantial, forgettable film.
@StellarLabs @BaconEggs
I respect that, and see how that could happen, but I think it is an era of change for Star Wars.@Stellarlabs
@Potato21 its like SW battlefront 2. They are messing with childhood and the heart. All they are doing is milking it for money and not caring how much lore or anything they break.
I beg to differ, I see how peaple could not like the current state of the franchise, that being that it is in a state of change, it is taking more risks, and I like that, just some may not like the way it was exucuted, and I respect that.@Stellarlabs
I liked it, thought it was very charming.@JED
Didn’t know that the Star Wars franchise could sink any lower than the last few movies.