I am new here, this looks like a really fun community to work with, hope to build aircrafts in the next couple days xD
Anyways hello
I am new here, this looks like a really fun community to work with, hope to build aircrafts in the next couple days xD
Anyways hello
@DPSAircraftManufacturer Hey
@RamboJutter Yup I know :)
Hello, have fun and use fuselage section for nearly everything :)
Hello there! If you ever need advice, just ask ;)
@CarsonG1017 Sure I will follow u
@RailfanEthan Oof
it's meee
Welcome to the Simpleplanes Community! If you ever need anything, feel free to ask me!
@kkillaa1 kgood
@RailfanEthan done
@kkillaa1 delet dat before mods arrive
@kkillaa1 no advertising on my christian server
@SuperSix Yea sure man,
Wow good luck on your building adventures and if you need any help on tanks just ask me and I will help @Sarin
@ThePrototype yes Im pretty sure I saw miko's work, thats why Im interested to make my own plane with my own idea
@RailfanEthan Thx :D
@ThePrototype Thx man I would read later, im quite busy now
Welcome to the friendliest community on the interwebs
Welcome to the community!!!!!! If you haven't read the rules They are here Also any idea on what kind of aircraft you are going to build?