I respectfully asked a user if I had accidentally blocked them, or if in the past I had done something wrong that might warrent being blocked.
I did so in an attempt to make up for my actions if infact I had done something wrong. I Understand that blocking an individual is totally okay, but I believe coming to terms and asking foregivness is better. Please respond and not remove this post.
Wait wut? Why was this removed?
25.8k KidKromosone
6.6 years ago
@Squirrel Oh,ok cool.
That makes sense, thanks! Would you mind apologizing to this user then?@Squirrel
@KidKromosone It was removed on the premise that it was a post about a block. I figured that was the case, but wanted to double check with the moderator that handled the situation.
Posts about blocking people are generally sensitive topics and thus not massively welcome on the site as they can create conflict between users.
Mentioning that a user has blocked another user can lead to harassment of both users. Believe it or not a similar situation played out that I tried to handle a while back. It too started with an apology post and it ended on less than friendly terms as other users outside of those involved decided to involve themselves and it got out of hand. If you want to apologise to someone, let one of the mods know and we'll handle the situation and try to avoid using the users name in public to avoid any conflict.
That is likely why your post was removed too @ThePilotDude
@CruzerBlade @FastDan @MechWARRIOR57 I've tagged you guys so you understand that there is "method to the madness" in removing seemingly innocent posts.
@KidKromosone Ey,no problem!
Alright, thanks for your time! It’s appreciated.@Squirrel
@KidKromosone I've put a message in the mod chat and I've asked the user in question about what's going on to get some clarification on the matter. It could take a while for either to get back to me though.
Thanks for the reply man! I didn’t intend to stir up any drama, I just wanted hash out an apparent problem and do my best to resolve and apologize accordingly. I respect the users right to block me if that is indeed the case. If it is I wish only to apologize and sweep the old issus away in attempt to build bridges and make the community a better place.@Squirrel
Moderators don't "overcompensate" the rules. Often before removing a post that has us a bit on the wall, it gets posted on the mod chat and then we talk about whether or not it should be removed. Occasionally we do get it wrong for a number of reason from lack of context to something as simple as being tired.
However 99% of the time there is a logical justification for the removal of a post. If we feel it's obvious, we leave a comment explaining why, if it isn't we leave a preset comment about reading the rules.
With that in mind, we generally "look before we leap" a lot more often than we don't. A lot more goes on behind the scenes than people give it credit for. However, automod is a thing for builds, which removes posts if a most is reported a number of times. Sometimes a post can get removed unintentionally if a number of users false flag it.
Apologising posts can be regarded as stirring up drama depending on the context and thus they can be removed as they can cause more harm than good.
I'll have a look into the situation and get back to you.
Why? I’ve got nothing to hide.@Chancey21
Thanks man!@ThePilotDude
These conversations should be unlisted, it’s as simple as that @KidKromosone
@KidKromosone lmao my grammar is a big mess
Thanks man!@MechWARRIOR57
Pardon? I don’t follow xD@CruzerBlade
Maybe the mods hasn't still got a post saying "he blocked me" so they took the rules to the next level for more preys XD
How can an "apologizing" post be considered as against the rules? I mean, the posts about blocking players are like "HEY HE BLOCKED ME" posts. I even see a post in the user voice (yes user voice!) about a mod removes their bio. Srsly that's totally against the rules! Or there's no one taking moderator control in the user voice?
@MechWARRIOR57 @ThePilotDude @FastDan I absolutely hate to ask,
But would any of you mind upvoting this so I can be assured that the mod who removed the original post may see how I intended the post to be delivered?
@ThePilotDude exactly, it seems like in some situations the moderators dont look before they leap, and by leap i mean ban or remove
Totally! I just want to make ammends with dis user@ThePilotDude
@KidKromosone moderators (especially certain ones) tend to overcompensate with the rules
I sure hope it was just misunderstanding. Thanks for the support mate!@FastDan
@KidKromosone Yeah,I know and I don't think so either but I do think that's why they deleted your post.I think they took the rule too seriously.
While I appreciate your response, I wouldn’t consider making ammends for you actions “retaliation”.@FastDan
"If you retaliate in response to being blocked, then you will be banned. Do not post or comment about a player who blocked you, about a specific player who blocked a friend of yours, or about a specific incident about specific people involved in blocking one another."
The mods take this rule very seriously.