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Iridium Federation Basic Information

52.9k RocCrafter101  6.7 years ago

Iridium Federation


Federal Monarchy

Official languages

Russian (Multiple Types), English, Chinese, Japanese

Religions: No official religion

Russian Orthodox (20%)
Other Orthodox (1.5%)
Unaffiliated Christians (4.1%)
Other Christians (0.5%)
Spiritual but not religious (25%)
Atheists (38%)
Muslims (2.5%)
Pagans and Tengrists (1.2%)
Buddhists (0.5%)
Other religions (1.1%)
Undeclared (5.5%)


Most Heavily Defended Nation


600 million

Available Military Manpower

Active: 3 million
Reserve: 6 million
Age between 18-25: 80 million

Nuclear Capable

55 Thousand Nuclear Warheads



Literacy rate



19.4 Trillion

Arms Providers:

•Rostov Industries
•Tadei Technologies
•Greyhound Systems
•Voraus Enterprises

Territory (In Terms of Real World Nations)

•North Korea

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    @KerlonceauxIndustries Sure, sounds great!

    6.7 years ago
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    @Awsomur We are dedicated to national defense. Employing highly advanced mines, artificial islands, coastal batteries such as railguns and Hypersonic missiles. Our naval forces are mostly centered around the defense of the nation. Our homeland is priority. Anyone attempting an attack would be facing an overwhelmingly large amount of power. Most nations have an invasion force, while we do have the capability to do so. We focus heavily on defense. We do use long range weapons to fire from “behind cover.”
    We never stopped production during the Cold War. We never dismantled them. We kept them to make attacking us not worth it. If you attack us, you won’t get far. Your nation wouldn’t last long against the overwhelming firepower of long distance engagement. We don’t want trouble. We just want to maintain our borders.

    6.7 years ago
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    40.2k Awsomur

    Most heavily defended nation by who’s standards? And how can you even judge that? And I might remind you that the country with the most nukes (Russia) only has about 4,300, and that can destroy the world many times over. So unless you plan to blow up a planet that nuclear arsenal is a little extreme.

    +1 6.7 years ago
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    140k BaconEggs


    6.7 years ago