Remember the 767 Squish I made? It is my most upvoted build wth about 22 at the time of writing.
Here is the 707 and 727 Squish:
Both are using a cockpit made by QingyuZhou.
I’m still not sure about when I will post but am hoping maybe 9am Saturday AEST (So about Friday arvo for those in the US.)
Upvote to get tagged on the 707.
Comment “T” to get tagged on the 727.
Ok then. @ForeverPie
@Caveman999 I did. Here, I'll do it again.
@CaesiciusPlanes @Newplanewhodis @ForeverPie If you want to be tagged on the 707 (the better looking one), you need to upvote.
I will fix that. @ChiChiWerx
Ya know...not to be snarky or anything, but the 72’ had a “T” tail...
T pose
those engines on the 727 really makes me uncomfortable
I don’t know why these are getting upvotes; they are just cockpits made by talented builders getting poorly added tails on that look ridiculous. Everything except the actual cockpit (which was made by someone else) isn’t good