This is the Me-262 Schwalbe i made
the Me-262 wasa german fighter used to intercept allied bombers , the allied aircraft had no chance against it but the plane appeared to late so it did't change Germany's faith even if it could have
"E" in the comments to be notified when I upload the plane
dont eeee i ust uploaded it here E
@SmokyMatchBox I use , imgur is blyat
Nice change. I didn't expect
@pavthepilot Sure
@F104Deathtrap do you want to be notified when nthe thing is released?
@F104Deathtrap XD
@pavthepilot The funny part is that the Brits had the tech to build jets before the war, but the ministers were too shortsighted to back it. Then, when they had the Gloster Meteor, they were too scared of letting it get into enemy hands to fly it anywhere it might be useful!
@F104Deathtrap very true when you got the Soviets attacking from east and the Americans attacking from west is not the best time to research new concepts
It was a good plane, but it wasn't the uber-weapon people pretend it was. The Germans wasted many precious resources on 'silver bullet' projects when they'd have been better served by putting said resources toward more proven technology.
@TheDepressedPig I will tag you on the final and also on the current version
Sure, I’ll test it.
@FilenotFound I changed the thing
Time to start your class b rally car.
Ah yes. This thing. Also, even if it dies make it easier, I do think it sounds a bit greedy to say, uovote to be notified.
Nothing mean ment.
Simpler is this method. @me if you want to be notified, then get a noat pad, and write there names down.
@Awsomur you make better jets than me , maybe you want to test it .
Do you ?
@Awsomur sry for that if I would have made up something similar I wouldn't get to much attention but with that thing on , Damnit!
Your words are magical m8
@TheDepressedPig is good to have you back m8 ,I evolved a lot since you left the site and I wanted your opinion about this plane , I would never build like this without your help
Nice job on exactly coping my teaser phrase.
@KidKromosone thanks:D
I see ur above the clouds! Noice