The latest from Talon Industries a vehicle with the capabilities of a tank the
Coming in at 500 parts my highest part count to date.
Now for some sweet pics.
Blowing a fighter jet up.
Destroying a bridge
Looking good
Comment AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH or upvote to be tagged
Release date 7/10/18
Just when you thought it was safe to come out of your bunker [TEASER]
2,819 Andrewtheplane
6.7 years ago
To be honest.. it looks epic but it's WAY TOO SKINNY but yeah sure why not.. fat tanks become sick Anyways.. AHHHHHHHHHH OH GOD NO PLEASE NO .. NOOO
@marcox43 true enough
I can only see this thing work on urban areas, and even there it would struggle, the low height and huge distance between front wheels and the front bumper will make a lot of headaches for your crew while on uneven ground. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!
Want to swing
From the chandelier!
From the chandelieeeeer!
@Andrewtheplane You're welcome!
@CSP27 Thanks
Comment AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH or upvote to be tagged
Release date 7/10/18
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH or upvote to be tagged
It !ooks awesome, i !ove it
@FuzzyAircraftProductions @FastDan Thank you both
@Andrewtheplane Nice one.
tag me please.
Yes all pictures right the first time