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TRM_1807092100 - The Unknown Majority

108k hpgbproductions  6.2 years ago

{World-building} If this post is political, tell me. Partially because I want to write about the commercialisation of military technology as well.

From: United Nations Alliance Humanities Department
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--- The Unknown Majority (June 2066) ---

Professor Nobusuke, Sakuraba Takuma, Ihara Kiriko

What do you actually know about the human race? It is estimated that there are 11.0 billion people currently, with roughly 98.0% living on Earth. Of this, about 99.2% of people live in cities. But have you ever stopped to wonder how the cities now don't even resemble what was projected half a century ago?

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Artist's impression of a typical city in 20[][]. The digital painting dates back to 2019.

The average large American city's population density in 2025 was over 1,000 per square kilometer. Yet, most large recognized cities then manage values similar to this. It's as if there was no growth in the city at all.

Conversely, cities that were partially slums in the 20s now are almost in ruin and covered in temporary homes. "Social leaders" occupy the remants of the city, taking the once-valuable skyscrapers.

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Even with the United Nations Government's efforts to build more cities, accomodation and job availability have been growing at a slow pace, not enough to sustain the current 11.0 billion people previously mentioned. Where do people go?

--- Dumping Sites ---

We mentioned the growth of slums. They are growing at an unnatural rate. For example, the fairly well-known slums of [][][][][][][][][], [][][][][] had a population of over 4,000/sq. km in 2025. But in 2060, there are probably 9,000 people occupying the same area of land.

A trend noticed is that 95% of older cities (over 25 years old) have at least one large district for severely low-income citizens (less than US$1,000).

We took a look at one of these cities - [][][][][][][][][][][], USA. Formerly one of the most technologically advanced and affluent cities in the Americas, it is now a textbook example of income inequality.

The majority of people living in older cities suffering from this issue are over 50 years old - about one to 1.5 (young) adults, and middle-aged combined.

However, most newer cities (25 years old and below) do not suffer the aging population effect, with a healthy ratio of one over 50 years old to five aged 18-50, on average.

The global ratio currently estimated to be about one to 2.1.

--- What's to Come? ---

The United Nations Humanities Department has studied the trends and predicts that this issue is only going to worsen. Old predictions from six years ago are being updated. The global ratio of over 50s to those aged 18-50 is expected to be one to:
- 2.0 by 2072
- 1.5 by 2100
- 1.3 by 2166 (100 years later)

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Note: Many people (estimated 15%) are not registered citizens. Predictions do not include the unregistered.

There are plans of dealing with the issue of severely low-income and older citizens through [][][][] [][][][][][][][] by some private organisations. Although this is seen as inhumane, the United Nations Government will be conducting studies to ascertain the viability of this measure.

A slightly less drastic measure offered is more indirect; involving changes in the healthcare and commercial sectors. Although no violence is involved, the method is still inhumane.

There are no simple solutions to reverse this centuries-old issue plaguing our society as of yet. Hopefully, better options will become available over the years.

--- Field Gallery ---
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