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Guess I'll tease here too. Tee hee hee

12.8k RodWan  6.7 years ago

Recently put up my first ever build when I started almost a year ago. Here is what that has lead to. Looking for 1 or 2 testers to give feedback. Lmk if you want to see more.


MK.9 Followed By MK.14
Updated MK.14, pending final release





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    12.8k RodWan

    @GeneralOliverVonBismarck That's more or less where this is, as a medium fighter. But I thought that 200000lbs was plenty and haven't tested further. I mainly run into the issue of destabilising the cog. This can handle everything on the map plus air threats, why add more ammunition past that? Really like you say thats big plane territory, one Tsar bomb is enough for a medium fighter. Would love to see your plane loaded up :)

    6.6 years ago
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    8,340 MrDoolittle

    @Mostly maybe

    6.7 years ago
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    31.3k Mostly

    @MrDoolittle Maybe it's because the weapons are clumped together?

    6.7 years ago
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    8,340 MrDoolittle

    @Mostly maybe it's some other setting? I run high too and a missile catching fire is always a death sentence.

    6.7 years ago
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    31.3k Mostly

    @MrDoolittle High

    6.7 years ago
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    12.8k RodWan

    @Mostly that makes sense.

    6.7 years ago
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    8,340 MrDoolittle

    @Mostly hmm what physics are u running? It blows up my entire plane for me

    6.7 years ago
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    31.3k Mostly

    They poof into thin air if they catch fire, the “explosion” wouldn’t provoke a chain reaction because SP physics.@MrDooLittle
    The splash damage from the flak cannons will detonate all near by explosive-reactive weapons.@RodWan

    6.7 years ago
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    12.8k RodWan

    @MrDoolittle lol. How powerful was flack damage irl I wonder.

    6.7 years ago
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    8,340 MrDoolittle

    @RodWan oh you can survive if it just misses your plane

    6.7 years ago
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    12.8k RodWan

    @MrDoolittle learned what? One hit death from flack? Or I bet your talking about the missile catching fire. Cool good go know. Still wonder if it's possible to survive a flack hit though. I've survived missile hits before, but mostly due to luck and where it hit me. Right in the counter measure!

    6.7 years ago
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    8,340 MrDoolittle

    @RodWan I learned this when I am testing how much damage my plane can take

    6.7 years ago
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    12.8k RodWan

    @Mostly I'm curious if you know anything about taking flack damage and surviving. Always one shots me, so I have to go long range missile or carpet bomb on them. Never been able to strafe kill both destroyers :(.

    6.7 years ago
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    12.8k RodWan

    @MrDoolittle I've never had that happen. I'll take your word. But I would have to chalk that up to "you're doing it wrong". At least with reference to my plane. You shouldn't be engaging in a dogfight with a full payload. Use the missiles, if they get too close either outrun them or jettison the extra weight. And if you get shot down by a ground target because you're in gun range with a full load of missiles and bombs, it's not the aircrafts fault. X'D there's enough weaponry there for you to be able to take out everthing but the kraken with out ever getting into gun range.

    6.7 years ago
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    8,340 MrDoolittle

    @Mostly ya, if they get hit enough and catch fire they do

    6.7 years ago
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    12.8k RodWan

    @Mostly good to know. Thanks

    6.7 years ago
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    31.3k Mostly

    @MrDoolittle Bombs/missiles never detonate if they are directly hit by a gun unless the gun destroys it in one hit.

    6.7 years ago
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    8,340 MrDoolittle

    @RodWan damn son

    6.7 years ago
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    12.8k RodWan

    After I release it Im going to make a challenge. (WW2 inspired w/ 2018 Tech) only stipulation will be that planes will need to look like WW2 types and use propellers as primary thrust. Xml allowed if its reasonable, no god weapons or blatant cheats, needs to be passable as legitimate.

    6.7 years ago
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    12.8k RodWan

    @MrDoolittle the max weight for take off is 190000lbs. Thats carrying the Tsar bomb which was one of the thing I wanted this to be capable of. Max acceptable dog fighting speed would be around 45000lbs. It weighs 37264lbs dry with out the fuel pods. 55580lbs loaded with 243lbs of internal fuel 18000lbs ordinance. After dropping the payload it can turn a horizontal 360 in under 10sec, haven't clocked it, but its quick. Top speed at Sea level is 698mph. Stall speed empty is around 120mph. Only xml cheating was for the car mode transformation and one vert stabilizer. All the rest of the wings are standard. Well actually I added two toward the back to move the col. Anyway. She was built as a WW2 inspired air superiority fighter then moded with extra features as my skill grew. I'm actually thinking about making it slower and less agile.

    6.7 years ago
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    8,340 MrDoolittle

    @RodWan but ya would think the weigh would have something to say about it

    6.7 years ago
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    12.8k RodWan

    @MrDoolittle it has 6 elevators

    6.7 years ago
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    8,340 MrDoolittle

    @RodWan hmmm must be more maneuverable than it looks

    6.7 years ago
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    12.8k RodWan

    @MrDoolittle I tried for hours to defeat the wright destroyers with "my first plane" last night. With this it was a cake walk. Minor damage only.

    6.7 years ago
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    12.8k RodWan

    @MrDoolittle I do strafing on the destroyers with this. Very agile. Typically drop the payload before hand through, doesn't make any sense to carry missiles and not use them.

    6.7 years ago
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