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Beginning of the End (SPRP 2030 S2)

52.9k RocCrafter101  6.6 years ago

“Boarding team is down! You have permission to sink the vessel.”

“Situation on the streets is out of control, all units fall back.”

“Lines have been breeched in nineteen different places around the city, fall back!”

The Disease to Strike Man Down

Within hours, the city of Hong Kong was overrun by citizens infected with a virus. Knowing no fear or pain and with a desire to attack and bite living beings. The city was quarantined and the bulk of the Federation armed forces was stationed. Tactical nuclear weapons were ready to destroy the city. Many tried to flee but were turned away or shot by the military forces in fear of infection. Air strikes rained on the street with little effect. Media, Internet, and any signals going in and out of the city were blocked to attempt to coverup the situation. No flights were grounded to avoid panic.

Noise from the Federation lines lured infected in large numbers out of the city and toward the quarantine. One by one, defensive positions were overrun until the armed forces fell back without launching a single nuclear device. The government had denied them permission to launch as it could harm the civilians inside the city despite requests. Foreign aid was denied to prevent news from getting out. The infection spread like wildfire, faster than anything we’ve seen. Infecting entire cities in mere hours. The Federation fell back to Western China where they regrouped and established a border to contain the infection. The airborne infection incubated inside passengers of aircraft unknowingly. Days later, the infection was global. Nations fell into chaos as crime rates skyrocketed. One by one the cities, safezones, military base, and nations fell. All cure efforts failed.

As the survivor wanders through the empty streets of small towns. Walking past tanks, overturned vehicles, and old military lines still bearing the Federation flag. He hopes one day the Federation will come back for all of them.

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    Rip, don’t nuke anyone tho. Plus it’s a new season currently. No companies currently possess nuclear Armageddon abilities.

    6.6 years ago
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    2,167 apfel33

    I was the company buying all the nukes@RocCrafter101

    6.6 years ago
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    The RP is a bit strange. But I’ll list what to expect here:
    1) Yes companies buying tons of nuclear weapons
    2) Yes people are crazy and want to destroy the world
    3) People like to cause problems or try stupid things such as sailing Superstructure-less Battlecruisers without a bilge pump into uncharted rocky and insane storms expecting to survive.
    4) There are imperialists looking to absorb and take over smaller territories
    5) There are people smart enough to destroy nations by using internal problems as a way to cause your collapse without firing a single shot.
    6) There are people who go beyond unlikely Alternate History methods to make themselves seem stable (Though would be subject to the “Realism Bat”

    But, the Federation is always here to help, serve, and protect the people of this and many other worlds(Servers) to come.

    +1 6.6 years ago
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    2,167 apfel33

    You didn't say anything about everyone wanting to glass everything or the company who had enough nukes to destroy the earth.;-;

    6.6 years ago
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    35.1k AdlerSteiner

    @GeneralOliverVonBismarck i'll play as R U S S I A

    6.6 years ago