It is i, Aspire, but seeing the latest posts i think all the old members are rarely on these days. Perhaps "retired".
Well, i mentioned in my supposedly last post im retiring from SP. Perhaps not, since i have been making more, perhaps, experimental stuff, and i thought itd be great to return to the (new?) SimplePlanes community! Heh, perhaps i forgot about some building techniques or how to type links and special kind of texts but thats okay, probly.
Hello again, SimplePlanes community!
4,395 Aspire
6.4 years ago
@ForeverPie @RodWan @bjac0 @KDS Henlo!
I may be old, but i’m not blind!
welcome back
Have you got any vodka?
@DPSAircraftManufacturer didnt see that there, and "thamk"
@GreatHenry erm what?
@temporaryaccount already discovered that after scrolling some pages, not sure about most others tho
Salve. Vodka habetis?
Perhaps i Aspire to be a great build again