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SimplePlanes 2: What features would you add?

12.6k Flippos  6.5 years ago

With SimpleRockets 2 being released soon, and having a huge revamp from a 2D to a 3D game, what do you think a hypothetical (as of yet) SP2 should include?

Personally I'd love to see a LAN multiplayer feature built in (that does not require mods). Perhaps one where players can host their own servers like with the multiplayer mod? Or payed ones hosted by jundroo with a monthly subscription?

I'd also love it if (whenever SP2 comes out, if at all) it had more advanced water/weather physics!

Edit: This post is speculating about features, if you want to actually suggest
them it is obvious you should go to the Jundroo User Voice page.

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    813 Dragon77

    A career mode similar to KSP would be real nice but, instead of running your own space program, you run your own airline company or private military company. It's all nice to build your own aircraft and vehicles but there's usually not much to do with them afterwards. Having a game world populated by AI planes and vehicles in SP is already a great addition, it only needs some continuity or expanded gameplay to give you something to work towards.
    Multiplayer would be fun, as long as it doesn't come at the expense of the rest of the game as commonly the case with complex indie games trying to do multiplayer. I'd rather have a complete, content-rich singleplayer game than a featureless tech demonstration that has multiplayer. If you don't have the additional staff to tackle multiplayer development, just leave it alone.
    Perhaps it may also be better to split PC and mobile versions in order to fully exploit the PC's capabilities? I do feel that the game is being held back by it's PC-mobile cross compatibility. May be a difficult topic considering the sheer number of players on mobile devices, one cannot just slam the door in their faces.

    6.5 years ago
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    @FlipposMC k thx!

    6.5 years ago
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    12.6k Flippos

    @UssInvincible Went to sleep, computer kept me awake buzzing away...shut it down. I should probabily update the forum post not to say its online anymore.

    6.5 years ago
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    @FlipposMC I.... I cant coonnacT!!!!!!

    6.5 years ago
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    @FlipposMC k thx your awesome! =DDDDD

    6.5 years ago
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    12.6k Flippos

    @UssInvincible Ohh I can turn it on now, actually! I sorta neglected it bc a 24 hour server already exists.

    Connect to this:

    +1 6.5 years ago
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    @FlipposMC Flippos when is your server coming back online?

    6.5 years ago
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    How about Maywar for mobile but without the sickeningly frame-reducing laggy stuff.

    6.5 years ago
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    8,340 MrDoolittle

    @GeneralOliverVonBismarck I have a feeling you have no clue what it would take either

    6.5 years ago
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    12.6k Flippos

    @GeneralOliverVonBismarck Don't put words in my mouth I haven't said. If you read my post again carefully, I was thinking of it more like the minecraft multiplayer system:
    1. Introduce LAN network support
    2. Inevitably people will open their LAN through static IP or P2P as a server.
    3. Profit.

    As for the paid subscription thing, it could be as simple as 24$ a year, to cover the basic expenses for jundroo, much like realms in minecraft.

    A fully working/stable network solution is not possible in the current way simpleplanes is set up. Thats why I said SimplePlanes2, giving SR2 as an example (going from 2D to 3D). As such simpleplanes could change completely, possibly giving a stable networking solution. Many games similiar to SP have managed this, so a revamped simpleplanes version should be able to.

    +1 6.5 years ago
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    35.1k AdlerSteiner

    everything realistic but...not so realistic. it needs to be balanced and better parts no glitches and bugs. that's all i'm askin'

    6.5 years ago
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    5,841 FastDan

    @GeneralOliverVonBismarck Wow,that does not sound good.

    6.5 years ago
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    47.9k Phantomium

    But now, seriously, I'd like them to add tank parts. Turret rings, tracks, cannons and such. Along with, maybe, smoke dispensers and targeting tools. Periscopes. The list could go on.
    As for any kind of multiplayer: the devs have already told you it's nearly impossible due to the game itself. Even if they do manage to implement a fully working and stable networking solution, there still is the other problem: optimization. On phones, especially, it's gonna lag like hell and turn into a PowerPoint presentation, basically. Do you like that?

    6.5 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    @InternationalAircraftCompany the way minecraft does it is through the appstore. And even if you're publishing a free app, publishing through the appstore is not free. No thanks. Unless of course, we put ads in them. That could work.

    6.5 years ago
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    35.1k AdlerSteiner

    Better graphics

    6.5 years ago
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    5,841 FastDan

    I do not want to pay for multiplayer.

    6.5 years ago
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    1,516 atgxtg

    -Ability to assign fuel usage (so we can get fuel pods to work effectively)

    In no particular order:

    -Some scalability with Jet engines (like how you can vary power for Props)
    -Ability to change from one cockpit to another in game (good for multi section craft)
    -Ability to go underwater
    -Variable wind sound (it repeats every 2 seconds or so, and I can tap along with the beat now)
    -Sky transition darker/space if/when attitude is high enough.
    -Ability to swap out the music file
    -More options for various parts (i.e more landing gear types and sizes, a few more wings by different shapes, some smaller/lighter/weaker engines so we could build stuff like ultralights without mods).

    +1 6.5 years ago
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    8,340 MrDoolittle

    not making stupid mistakes that do not help the longevity of the game would be nice (Give us multiplayer from the get go)

    +1 6.5 years ago
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    I would absolutely love to add more airports in the game, there isn’t enough as is I think

    +1 6.5 years ago
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    SR went from 2D to 3D, this can only mean that SP will go from 3D to 4D

    +4 6.5 years ago
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    Also new engines.
    And maybe the visual fuel leaking effect in the trailer.

    +2 6.5 years ago
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    Official add-ons. Us iOS players can’t get mods, so stuff like that would be nice. Minecraft does it already, so it can be done. They don’t even have to be paid.

    +1 6.5 years ago
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    31.3k Mostly



    +1 6.5 years ago
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    47.9k Phantomium

    Comversion to 4D. To keep the tradition from SR to SR2: upgrade to the next dimension

    +1 6.5 years ago
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    4,622 Bman01

    Sound boxes
    Electric stuff
    Radio that can play files and iTunes/androidmusic but can’t share the song
    Hyper/super sonic engines
    better graphics. I think uss beast is due for a makeover
    And a continent with highway system

    6.5 years ago
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